


The weapons Wrapped in the clad Sealed up with the Stamp of religion

The weapons
Wrapped in the clad
Sealed up with the
Stamp of religion
How imperiously and peremptorily
They set fire to the cities,
And, in the guise of peace; they give
Midair and vibe of terrorism
To the continuous war,
Migration and wandering
And make the neighbors fight
Someone do ask
World’s just and judges
In the name of peace
What do they give us?
The history will record
Not religion or jihad
Neither famine nor misery
Neither the thirst for power
Nor the smell of ignorant
It will record the tragedy of this century
As they were all mongers of weapons and explosives

Kabul June 17, 2017 (after the suicide attack on Al-Zahra Mosque June 16)

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